Dayalan Punniyamoorthy Blog

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Edit / View Groovy from Notepad++

This will help you if you like to edit or view the Groovy Program using the Notepad ++

Currently, you don't have Groovy listed under Language in Notepad ++ so editing or viewing a Groovy program is not well displayed.

But you can add Groovy language to Notepad ++.

Step 1:

Creare “userDefineLang_Groovy.xml” by copying the following code and saving it

    <UserLang name="Groovy" ext="groovy" udlVersion="2.1">
            <Global caseIgnored="no" />
            <Prefix Keywords1="no" Keywords2="no" Keywords3="no" Keywords4="no" />
            <Keywords name="Comments">03/* 04*/ 00// 01 02</Keywords>
            <Keywords name="Keywords1">abstract break case catch continue default do else extends final finally for if implements instanceof native new private protected public return static switch synchronized throw throws transient try volatile while strictfp package import false null super this true</Keywords>
            <Keywords name="Keywords2">as assert def mixin property test using in it</Keywords>
            <Keywords name="Keywords3">boolean byte char class double float int interface long short void</Keywords>
            <Keywords name="Keywords4">abs any append asList asWritable call collect compareTo count div dump each eachByte eachFile eachLine every find findAll flatten getAt getErr getIn getOut getText grep immutable inject inspect intersect invokeMethods isCase join leftShift minus multiply newInputStream newOutputStream newPrintWriter newReader newWriter next plus pop power previous print println push putAt read readBytes readLines reverse reverseEach round size sort splitEachLine step subMap times toInteger toList tokenize upto waitForOrKill withPrintWriter withReader withStream withWriter withWriterAppend write writeLine</Keywords>
            <Keywords name="Delimiters">00&quot; 01 02&quot; 03&apos; 04 05&apos;</Keywords>
            <WordsStyle name="DEFAULT" fgColor="000000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" fontSize="" nesting="0" />
            <WordsStyle name="COMMENTS" fgColor="008000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" fontSize="" nesting="0" />
            <WordsStyle name="LINE COMMENTS" fgColor="008000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" fontSize="" nesting="0" />
            <WordsStyle name="NUMBERS" fgColor="FF0000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="0" fontSize="" nesting="0" />
            <WordsStyle name="KEYWORDS1" fgColor="0000FF" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="1" fontSize="" nesting="0" />
            <WordsStyle name="KEYWORDS2" fgColor="006699" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="1" fontSize="" nesting="0" />
            <WordsStyle name="KEYWORDS3" fgColor="FF8000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="1" fontSize="" nesting="0" />
            <WordsStyle name="KEYWORDS4" fgColor="8000FF" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="1" fontSize="" nesting="0" />
            <WordsStyle name="OPERATORS" fgColor="804000" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontName="" fontStyle="1" fontSize="" nesting="0" />
            <WordsStyle name="DELIMITERS1" fgColor="808080" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontStyle="0" nesting="0" />
            <WordsStyle name="DELIMITERS2" fgColor="808080" bgColor="FFFFFF" fontStyle="0" nesting="0" />

Monday, February 26, 2018

Explore User Reports & Daily Maint REST API - Oracle PBCS with Groovy flavor !!!

In continuation of other series about REST API on Planning & Migration in this post let’s explore the REST APIs for Provision Reports,User Audit reports and the Daily Maintenance Window Time. 

1.REST API for running Provision report on Oracle PBCS\EPBCS

Straight from the document:
Generates a provisioning report of users in the system and writes the report to the filename provided. This is an asynchronous job and uses the job status URI to determine if the operation is complete.

You can manually generate a Provision Report from Oracle PBCS instance
 Navigate -> Tools