Dayalan Punniyamoorthy Blog

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Direct URL for Accessing Data Management!!!

Have seen this question multiple times in the public forum on how to access the Data Management directly rather than accessing it via the Workspace?

The URL for On-Premise to access the Data Management directly


The URL for PBCS/EPCS to access the Data Management directly

While accessing the above URL if the Workpace is already opened it opens in a seperate tab. If not logged in before opens up in the same tab in IE.

Note: This is applicable to both On-Premise and PBCS/EPCS

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

What does EPM Automate Utility offer - Part 4

In this series lets see how to read a file and strip a particular value from a column of a CSV file and use that value in the EPM automate script.


Every month the pay details are extracted from the source system and the data file is loaded into the PBCS, to get this automated the file name should be named as MMM-YY (Pay month and year format).

Let us explore how this is achieved using the EPM  automate.